Welcome to Centerville
In "Cock & Bull," it is a struggle between the roosters and the bulls. One player is red, the other is black. Your path to victory is twofold: either conquer the board with six of your team's pieces, or earn enough points to finish. Use the laser-engraved dice to summon your chosen color on the board. But beware, your luck may turn on you. May the luckiest win.
Cock and Bull is a simultaneous battle over territory and a race to the finish, giving you two avenues to victory! The fun It is easy to learn, unpredictable, fast paced, and will appeal to players of any skill level. For players in need of a quick bar game, C&B can be played anywhere, at any time.
TIME: 10-20 minutes
AGE: 13 and up
Designer: J. M. Smith