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Wydawca: Lock 'n Load

War Diary Magazine Issue #16

A new wargaming magazine, but decidedly old-school in our approach.  We don't publish any games, but then don't you already pay enough for games you may never play?

Published quarterly, WAR DIARY magazine publishes no games but instead concentrates on thoroughly examining existing games from a wide range of game publishers, both large and small.  Each issue contains historical articles with tie-ins to gaming topics;  new game scenarios, variants, and expansions; game and book reviews; interviews with notable gaming personalities; and articles on game strategy and good play.  Contributors include an interesting mix of both well known and new writers, each with a unique perspective.


TRIAL OF ERROR:  Ludendorff and the Kaiserschlacht, 1918 by Paul Comben

KERNSTOWN:  A Study in Systems by John Burtt

THE DEVIL'S TO PAY:  Two Confederate Variants by Rob Bottos

KONIGSBERG 1945:  Con-Z House Rules by Clair Conzelman

BLITZKRIEG:  First Impressions by Robert Smith

A WAR DIARY INTERVIEW:  John Bannerman by Roy Matheson

PASS IN REVIEW:  Capsule Reviews by Andy Nunez, Robert Hatcher, and Hans Korting