B-29 Superfortress 2nd Ed.
Die Würst is the official DUNGEON DEGENERATES zine. Die Würst is also the first magazine Sean Äaberg has made since his stroke in late 2018 & the first magazine he has done since PORK magazine ended in the Spring of that year.
Die Würst #3 contains features on Christian Death, Hayao Miyazaki, All about Scratch, Dungeon Degenerates as an RPG continued, Dungeon Breakout variant Die Fleischwolf a feature on artist Mustafa Bekir, features on the the Pickle Imp & the Grummeln (crab soldiers) & more!
This zine comes with the PICKLE IMP limited edition card.
32 pages, 8.5" x 5.5" stapled spine.
Printed in the USA, by GOBLINKO.