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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
At 5:30 AM, April 9, 1917, the artillery of British First Army unleashed the greatest barrage to that date. Half an hour later, 48,000 Canadian soldiers left their trenches to assault the impregnable Vimy Ridge. The French and the British had previously tried to capture the ridge but to no avail. On this battlefield the Canadians were to prove themselves. At 2:00 PM the Canadian troops held the ridge.
Vimy Ridge is a simulation of this famous battle when the four Canadian divisions, operating together for the first time, successfully drove the Germans off this critical point in the line. The game is a faithful simulation of the Canadian attack. It covers the battle from the initial barrage to the final objectives reached by 1st Division. All the troops from the Canadian Corps and the German Gruppe Vimy are represented.
Vimy Ridge (2015 Edition) is the re-release of the game Vimy Ridge: 1917, formerly published by Pacific Rim. There are minimal changes in the rules, but the graphics have been substantially changed.
AGE: 14+
DESIGNER: Kerry Anderson
- One 12-page rules booklet
- One 17x22" game map
- One sheet of 280 playing counters
- One cover sheet
- One players’ aid sheet
Copyright 2001, 2015-2025 Kerry Anderson.
Published under license by Blue Panther LLC.