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Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.
The Chtorrans are here! You must assemble your Squad of Soldiers to clear them out with Fire, Cryo, and Conventional Weapons. This game takes place in the Modern era and is fully compatible with every other Warfighter Core game. Warfighter Chtorr looks to simplify the system by reducing the number of keywords and effects, while keeping the complexity and decision-making the series is known for. New features:
- Field Points! Chtorran bodies that haven't been cooked or exploded can be studies by the science team working with your Squad! Preserve their bodies by not using Explosive, Spray, or Fire Attacks to earn Field Points. Spend Field Points to Spark Skills or purchase new Equipment/Weapons mid-Mission with Radios to help with your fight against the alien threat.
- Your Weaponry matters! There are 3 types of Weapons in Chtorr: Fire, Ice, and Conventional. Starting with Fire, these Weapons offer a huge Defeat Cover (Pen) bonus but reduces the Hostile's available Field Points, they also come with very little Ammo, meaning you have to feather the trigger, and use Field Points to resupply more Fuel mid-Mission.
- Next is Ice, these Weapons do not inflict direct Wounds to Hostile cards, but instead place Slow counters. For each Slow Counter placed on a Hostile, Soldiers add 1 to their Attack and 1 to their Defeat Cover (Pen) rolls against that Hostile until the end of the turn. This means you can use Conventional Weaponry against Chtorr to preserve their Field Points!
- Finally, we have Conventional Weaponry, these Weapons don't have great Defeat Cover (Pen) roll bonuses, but they more than make up for that with quantity of Attacks! These Weapons can perform exponentially more Attacks than Fire or Cryo based Weaponry and most importantly, preserve the Hostile's Field Points! (Unless you Deploy your MG4's Bipod!)
Warfighter Modern - Expansion #03 Support
Warfighter Modern - Expansion #05 Speedball
Warfighter Modern - Expansion #01 Reloading
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